Our website address is: https://carolinecurran.co.uk. When office is referred to it means at: 16-18 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN. When home storage is referred to it means at: 35 Richmond Heights, Bath BA1 5QJ
Contact details (email, landline phone, mobile phone and address) for my clients and suppliers to use in the general running of projects.
Images, graphics, text and source files in connection with current and completed project.
Customer text and content files such as addresses on company stationery etc.
Storage of data
Data is stored on an iMac hard disk (password access), Iomega backup hard drive and cloud storage on Dropbox and iCloud drive in shared office space.
Files also stored on remote laptop stored at home address. Laptop is only accessible by password access.
Emails stored on hard disk in office, on laptop home address and on iPhone.
Clients business address and contact numbers stored for invoicing and communication purposes.
Authorised access to data
Caroline Curran Design has access to all data/files.
Print suppliers are sent files usually in pdf format in relation to each project. They may hold on their systems for a period of time until no longer required. Each supplier will be given instruction at time of commission.
Third party suppliers who support my services: Freelance Designers, Photographers, Web designers etc have source files transferred to them which are stored in accordance to their own data protection policies.
Period of storage
In general source files are kept indefinitely in two locations (hard disc and dropbox) to ensure clients have access to work commissioned if required
If required archived files will be deleted on request from the client.
Consent to hold data
Caroline Curran Design handles data on the basis of legitimate interest
Clients and suppliers have a permanent right to request that all of their data be erased at any time. If you wish to be erased from our systems, please contact us at caroline@carolinecurran.co.uk.
Written requests for deletions and/or storage are printed as hard copy and filed in Data Protection admin folders.
Process to remove and destroy unnecessary data
Archive files, when removed, are deleted from all stored areas; hard disc, back-up disc, laptop and cloud storage.
Periodic reviews of files stored will be undertaken going forward
Process to remove and destroy unnecessary data
Please do not hesitate to contact Proprietor and Data Protection Officer, Caroline Curran, regarding any matter relating to this Privacy Policy at caroline@carolinecurran.co.uk or 07973 326615.